A Simple Idea that you can Turn Into Your Own Card Trick

A Simple Idea that you can Turn Into Your Own Card Trick

Here is a simple principle that can be used with any deck of cards to create your own creative card tricks. At its most basic level you could use this principle to have someone choose a card, return it to the deck, and then you "magically" identify what card they chose. But the trick will be better if you come up with a story to go along with the trick. The more emotion and mystery, the better. Think about how you could perform this trick to make it personal and memorable. 

How it Works: "Pointers"

A glance through a pack of cards will reveal the fact that certain cards are "pointers." Take for example, the seven of spades. It has seven spots and

five of them point in one direction. The nine of hearts has five points in one direction. The aces of spades, hearts, and clubs are "pointers." The seven of diamonds is a "pointer," because it has one odd

point above the center. To make use of this interesting principle, take all

the "pointers" from a pack, and arrange them with their principal points in one direction. Group these 'cards at the center of the pack, and fan the cards so that one of the "pointers" will be selected. Turn the pack around, and let the chosen card be returned. After the pack has been shuffled, a glance at the faces of the cards will reveal the chosen card, for it will be pointing the opposite way from the others.

Need a pack of cards? We have so many!

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