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Modern Card Miracles by Hugh R. Johnston & F. B. Sterling

Modern Card Miracles by Hugh R. Johnston & F. B. Sterling

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A complete card-act with patter.

This ebook describes moves and routines for a stacked deck. The authors are using the Si Stebbins stack, but most of what is taught applies to other stacks, memorized or algorithmic. At the very end a simply two person code is taught.

Dornfield, President of the Chicago Society of Magicians writes in The Sphinx magazine, November 1919 page 209:

"On the same program, Hugh Johnston put over his line of incomprehensible sliders and puzzlers. The way that fellow can make a card or a whole deck do his bidding is nothing short of miraculous. He is at present busily engaged in conducting the only magical school in the United States, and has a large number of enthusiastic pupils enrolled, who may be seen in all parts of the city, practicing with coins and cards, even while they ride on the street cars. They will all profit greatly for this artist is without doubt the peer of all manipulators in the country today."

Lloyd E Jones writes in his review in Genii:

To me it is the best thing in print on the Si Stebbins deck. Now don't let that statement scare you away. Did you know that several magicians toured the circuits in vaudeville days doing Si Stebbins tricks? I personally knew Hugh Johnston, a minor card expert of his day tossed to the winds by the Great Depression and also well knew and saw present this type of material the popular Earl De Forrest. Entertaining? Yes. Mystifying? Definitely. Complete and instructive you'll find this material of use for club, stage, and even to mystify your brother magicians with.

  • Introduction
  • The Arrangement
  • To Quickly Set Up A Pack
  • False Shuffles
    • The Overhand Shuffle
    • Fancy Overhand Shuffle
    • The Riffle
    • Another Riffle
    • The V Shape Shuffle
  • False Cuts
    • Two Handed Throw
    • The Three Section Cut
    • The Four Section Cut
    • The One Handed Cut
  • A Subtle Method Of Arranging A Strange Deck
  • A Good Switch
  • Location
  • The Arrangement
  • The Human Scales
  • The Center Card
  • The X-Ray Eyes Of The Joker
  • The Gamblers Dream
  • Satan's Vision
  • The $1,000 Challenge
  • Stage Version Of The $1,000 Challenge
  • The Eagle Eye Of The Magi
  • The Royal Deal
  • With The Eyes Of The Devil
  • Look At It
  • The Sensitive Touch
  • Fannello
  • The Devil's Glimpse
  • Out Of Sight
  • A Fast System For Locating Any Card
    • Odds And Ends For Fast Location
    • Odds And Ends To Increase Speed In Rapid Counting
  • Cutting Any Card Called For
  • To Cut Any Number Of Cards Called For
  • A Mind Reading Effect

1st edition 1919, 40 pages; 1st digital edition 2018, 46 pages.

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